Hi, I'm Jessica -

Curiously, where I now find absolute joy and liberation are the places I once feared and resisted the most. One of those is dancing in public. Overcoming that particular fear was child's play in comparison to facing the aspects of myself I did not want to acknowledge. I now know that, as uncomfortable as it may be, we must meet our most "unsavoury" places of darkness and frustration with love and forgiveness. In doing so we open the gateway to the joy and contentment we so seek.

In short, my life has not always felt as inspired and hopeful as it does now. A broken family, the sudden death of my father at a young age and violence in the home during my early years all contributed to the development of crippling perfectionism, anxiety, C-PTSD and seriously repressed emotions. As a young adult I worked in the fast-paced corporate world all while looking to my career, men, drugs, alcohol and material items for the security and fulfilment I craved. Although my life looked great on the outside, I couldn't shake the desperation I felt within.

When things reached breaking point, I sought freedom through a multitude of modalities such as yoga, meditation, Ayurveda, naturopathy, energy healing and much more. Without knowing it, I was on a mission to unravel stagnant cycles of untruth from body, mind and spirit, and revolutionise my sense of self and life so I could live my Soul’s purpose and create a life of meaning and fulfilment for myself and all those around me.

Over the years I have trained and worked as a Yoga Teacher, Life Coach, Angelic Reiki Healer, Angelic Reiki Master Teacher, Past-Life Healer, trauma-informed Transformational Practitioner and am currently training as a NARM-informed practitioner to support the unravelling of complex developmental and relational trauma. During this time I have stripped away many limiting, mainstream ideas about who or what I should be, what is socially ‘acceptable’ and deep concerns I had about what others - including my family and neighbours and even husband - would think of me for the work I do, the ideas I hold, and what it takes to live and create the life that is right for me.

As a result I have created a business using my spiritual and healing gifts to help others to live their purpose by becoming the best, most relational versions of themselves - and my work is to help you create your own version of this for yourself.

If there is one thing I have learnt over the last 10 years holding healing space for myself and others, it is that true change and transformation can only ever come from within.

I’ve tried strategies. I’ve tired working harder. I’ve tried learning more. I’ve tried putting on the bright shiny face, pretending it was all okay. But it all left me feeling drained, frustrated and further behind than before.

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When you work with me it's transformation first, business and strategy second. 

I believe that your Soul’s desire and path of service is healing you, first. If something is not working in your business or creative process, we look at you, first.

It is only from a clear energetic slate and anchored connection within that the path becomes clear, and the way is shown.

Then you are making moves in alignment with your hearts truth, and the stuff that used to distract, overwhelm or terrify you no longer holds the same power anymore.

With clarity, comes confidence, comes follow through.

In my 10 years holding healing space for others, I have run multiple sold-out retreats (both in person and online), created beautiful workshops, programs and 1:1 coaching packages, and come to a place of security and fulfilment in myself and what I have to offer, knowing that things can only get better from here.

I am a gifted Angelic Reiki Master Teacher, Akashic Record Reader, Intuitive Astrologer, as well as Yoga Teacher and Life Coach. I bring these gifts together to create a unique and deeply-held healing space filled with grace and the step-by-step wisdom and know-how you need to bring about your vision.

In all my work and my life, I seek to live by the following value-system:

Integrity - Coming from a place of wholeness and pure intent; being in right relationship with self and others.

Honesty - Fostering authentic connection through open, transparent communication with self and other.

Intimacy - Emotional connection and depth in my connection to self and in relationship with others.

I am a Virgo sun, conjunct Mercury in the first house, Scorpio moon and Leo rising. With these placements (and a bunch of others I won’t go into!), I am a genius at helping you to understand your gifts, clarify your message, and connect deeply to yourself and others so you can live your Soul’s purpose and make an impact by simply being who you are.

If you know you’re here to co-create powerful change in the lives of others, I would love to support you as you connect deeply to yourself from a place of Soul to weave your gifts together to create beautiful offerings that positively impact the world and all those around you.

Want to work together? >> Book a free 60 minute Clarity call to find out what it would be like to work together.

I look forward to co-creating with you.

With love,

Jessica x

As featured on:


The Women’s Sanctuary Podcast: ‘The Sisterhood Wound’


How to Step up as the CEO of your Life and Business



I have been blessed with many great teachers in my life, and know I would not be in the place I am now were it not for them. The work and teachings I bring forth now are a combination of my own inherent Soul wisdom, and the hard work and brilliance of those who have come before me. 

I specifically want to acknowledge some of the most pivotal teachers on my path:

Sarah Rose - my first business coach and the one activated my awareness and understanding of some of the most important marketing, messaging and ideal client principles I now embody, as well as the activation of my creative energy.

Sally Caldwell - the healer and change therapist who first held the space for me to expand exponentially into the magnificence of my Soul, and return to the remembrance of unconditional love and the wisdom of the heart.

Simon Vorster - whose deep, philosophical teachings and evolutionary take on astrology informs much of my own understandings in this realm

Judy Satori - who reflected the remembrance and power of my multi-galactic origins and activated many Soul gifts, memories and knowings within me

Kevin Core - who channelled the Angelic Reiki healing method I now teach and incorporate into my work, as well as Rebecca Gambles, the teacher that passed this modality on to me

Joanna Lindebaum - from whom I am learning the nuances of holding transformational space and guiding others through a process of deep inner change, along with what it means to show up as a leader of integrity. 

And there are many others, who have reflected to me many aspects of myself and what it means to be a Soulful human in this lifetime. Thank you.

I hope to do your teachings justice and contribute to the continued evolution of our consciousness as humanity.